Thursday, December 11, 2008

What do you see in Management?

What do you see in Management?
I can say staying the best professor Kurpis.
I can say creating my own Blog to share ideas.
I can say interesting activities in class.
I can say surprising the test DISC.

What do you see in Management?
You can drop Egg into the can.
You can create bunch of Jell-O copys.
You can draw difficult rectangle, triangle, line and circle.
You can build crazy Lego.

What do you see in Management?
One day, it is big chaos to make a good grade.
Another day, you do an unusual order exactly 4 pickles and no salt.
The other day, you have a vision in your future.
Finally, you are happy when professor informs of the final test.

You do see those in Management which is ever never boring.

1 comment:

satinderpal singh said...

This is a good poem. You included everything in this poem from the begining to the end. All the activities were fun.Prof. K did make the class very interesting.