Friday, November 19, 2010

Our Way is...우리의 방향은...

I think that children are not listening to their parents,
내 생각엔 아이들이 원치 않은 방향으로 가도

but they probably have their way?

다 의미가 있고 이유가 있는 것이 아닐까?

I remember one of my teachers in my elementary school.
국민학교때 한 선생님이 생각난다.

I was in second grade then.

She was a senior, who was around middle of sixty.
그분은 나이가 많으셨는데 아마도 육십대 중반쯤 되었을것이다.

She wore glasses, and she had a lot of gray hair.
안경을 쓰셨고 흰머리도 많으셨다.

But when I saw her, who looked so nice with having warm heart.
그러나 그분은 따뜻한 맘을 가진 분이라 얼굴에 씌여있었다.

That was right!

She was always treating her students without any prejudices, but with warmth.
항상 우리들을 어떤 편견도 없이 따뜻히 대해 주셨다.

That's why I have never forgotten her even though it was 37 years passed.
그렇기에 37년이 지난 지금에도 난 그분을 잊을 수 없다.

She probably passed away.
그분은 아마도 돌아가셨겠지.

If she still lives in somewhere, I will see her.
만약 선생님이 살아 계신다면, 난 만나러 갈 것이다.

If she was there, I would feel to be a second grade student.
만약 선생님이 그곳에 아직도 계신다면, 난 다시 2학년 초등학생 아이로.

I have never seen like you, who was one of the best teachers
선생님 같이 좋으신 분은 없었습니다

in Nam Jung Elementary School and until now.
남정 국민학교에서 그리고 지금까지도.

Dear teacher!

I miss you so much~
많이 보고 싶습니다~

-One day, really miss the teacher...
-어느날 선생님이 너무 보고싶어서...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Saw Someone's Grief

우연히 어떤이의 아픔을 보았습니다.
I saw someone's illness.

전혀 모르는 분인데도 마음이 참 아팠습니다.
Even if I never know him, I feel so sorry.

2008년에 만들어진 블로그..
He made his blog in 2008..

몇개의 아티클만이 있을 뿐...
Only some articles in there...

마지막 아티클에 그분의 병중 심경이 있었습니다.
In the last article, he told how he felt at his illness.

2008년에 머물러진 블로그..
His blog has stayed since 2008..

지금은 2010년..
Today, it is in 2010..

단지 마음은 그분의 병이 호전되었고..
I hope he would get better..

현재 그분의 가족들과 행복해 있기만을..
Now, I hope he is happy..

빌고 또 빕니다.
I pray and pray.

양날개를 펼치고 나르는 비행기들 처럼 되었기를..
He would fly as airplanes with spreading the both wings over the building..

-간절히 비는 맘으로..
-my fervent wish..

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ideal Man is....

I took the lady picture in P.S.1. 4/23/2010

Shin, Mirae said...

I want a man who can dance the tango.

Who'll take off his jacket to cover my torn dress.

Who is sexy even when giving a speech.

Who'll wear matching sneakers with me.

Whose silhouette looks good under a street lamp.

Who has cried over me.

- at the Cityhall, Korean soap opera


You do perform in your life.

That is it!

Do not expect too much of your life.

But sometimes you reach an unexpected result.

You have a good result or a bad result.

That is your life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

꼬마야~~~ Hey Boy~~~

- Hand Coloring-

꼭꼭 숨어라 머리카락 보일라....
You should hide fox and all after....

혹 술래가 못 찾더라도
If a tagger can't find you,

늦기전엔 집에 돌아 가야 한다.
You have to go back home before Sunset.

엄마 아빠가 걱정한다.
Your parents will be worried about you if you were late.



모두들 나를 위해 존재 하는 걸까?

혹시 내가 주인공은 아닐까?

모든 것이 날 위주로 돌아가는 것은 아닐까?

혹 무엇이 되기위해 지금이 존재하는 건 아닐까?

나만을 위해?


어떤 사진이 잘 찍은 사진일까?

이쁨? 선명함? 순간? 창조? 음..다름?

모두 다?

그러나 주제의 진짜를 끌어 내야 할 것!

관광지 엽서사진에 머물지 말아야 할 것!


무언인가 되려면?

무엇인가 잘 하려면?

그것은 절실함이다.


사진 컨테스트에 이번에도 응모했다.

이번엔 한단계 더 위의 결과가 있기를 바란다.

아니 당선만이 목적은 아니다.

내가 그동안 해왔던 만큼의 결과를...


-어느날 MOMA에서 유리창에 바삐 움직이는 형태와 유리창 밖의 멈춰진 세상을 보고..

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hey U!
Is it yummy?
- Sunny day, at the Queens Garden

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Google을 해보다가....

예전 잡지사 다닐때 알던 사진 기자들 과 연예부 기자들이 생각나서

한번 구글링을 해보다가...

얼마전 했던 사진 전시회 버룩 커뮤니티 포커스..

구글에도 전시회에 관한 글이 올라왔더라...

히..클릭을 해보니 내 사진도 있더라..

아..내 사진도 떴다...

보고싶으면 아래 사이트로 클릭...

Friday, July 9, 2010

How to leave?

스테이튼 섬에 가기위해 공짜 배를 타고 파노라마 사진 한장을 위해 몇장 찰칵.-

떠나고 싶다 어딘가로...

파란 하늘에 떠있는 구름과 배를 타고...

지금의 나를 모르는 이들과 함께 어우러져서...

웃고 떠들며...

떠나고 싶다...

- 가끔 현재의 일이 죽도록 하기 싫을때.. July 9, 10

Friday, June 18, 2010

누군가를 만날때는...

I designed CD package and composed songs: one of my favorite Korean Movies "Classic" soundtrack.

If I should meet a someone, I still meet like Flowers.

가장 잘못된 만남은 생선같은 만남이다.
An ill-fated meeting can be compared to a fish.
만날수록 비릿내가 묻어 오니까.

The fishy smell will rub off.

가장 조심해야 할 만남은 꽃 송이 같은 만남이다.
Beware of friendships that are like flowers.
피어있을땐 환호하다가 시들면 버리니까.

They only last for a short while.

가장 아름다운 만남은 손수건 같은 만남이다.
The best of friendships is like a handkerchief.
힘이 들때는 땀을 닦아주고 슬플때는 눈물을 닦아주니까.
They dry away your sweat and tears and comfort you.

이제, 나는 손수건을 준비해 가지고 다니는 사람을 만나련다.
Now, I am looking for someone who prepared to keep always a handkerchief.

그런사람? 그런 남자? 보수적인 사람?
That kind of person? That kind of man? Traditional person?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flowers over the Modernism

At the Madison Square Park

At the Battery park

At the Madison Square Park

When I took the flowers, I wanted to take them prettier

than I was looking at.

Sometimes, I enjoy looking at flowers.

Actually, there are so prettier than pretty women.

That's why women like a flower.

Women probably want to be like them.

- It makes me feel happy if I just look at it.

Cobalt Blue Day with the Arch

Can you walk over the arch?

You can't but I can.


I will show you next time.

As you know, this is a panorama photo.

How many pictures for the photograph?

I will answer you next time.

-Nice weather today June, 17. 10

Friday, June 11, 2010

The First Exhibition in New York

My two photographs at a Gallery (top of the left and bottom of the right).
Other photographers' photographs on the Gallery wall.

One of my pictures, "Reflexion" (2009).

My photography professor Sussman (middle of the picture). I will miss him.

This was my first public group photographic exhibition

besides BPAC exhibition in the Mishkin Gallery May, 2010.

I was so happy because the Gallery accepted

both of my two photos.

I was so fun and excited at the opening reception day.

I hoped every one enjoyed to look at the photographs and

I hope it will be my first step in my photographic life.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What an amazing Sunset~

I took the view of my neighborhood from my balcony.

It is not bad huh~

One day, I realized that I have a pretty view even night.

I live in 12 floor and I have a big balcony.

When I moved here, I loved it because of view.

I would relax and enjoy around my neighborhood view at there.

However, I was getting to forget I have it

and I rarely look at the sky

Every day, I have to study to get a good grade

so I have a lot of stress.

If I had a break time on my balcony, I would feel alive.

Now, I try to change my mind to relax even busy.

"What an amazing view I have~~"

- A pretty weather June. 4, 10

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Unusual Cloud

When I visited in Staten Island,

I saw something different cloud on the sky.

I wanted to take whole sky with odd cloud,

so I took several pictures, and I made a panorama photograph.

I like the sky and the monument...

- May. 26, 10. After finished all final exam.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reflexion 2

Can you see the reflexion?

There is one of the famous buildings which is the Chrysler building.

-May. 25, 10 after final project.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I visited in Staten Island to take photographs in May.6,10.

While I was returning to Manhattan,

I took some of photos on a free ship.

And I made a panorama photograph.

여기 뉴욕에 살면서 스테이튼 섬에 한 5번 정도 간것 같다..

가족이나 친구들이 왔을때 또는 혼자 사진 찍을때..

깊숙히 들어가 보진 않았고 주로 역 주변이나 조금 더 들어가서 커피한잔 마시고 나온다..

처음 갔을때와 지금은 많이 변했다..아주 많이 깨끗해지고 발전했다..

처음엔 한 70년대 초 그러나 지금은 2000년대...

뉴욕시에서 이곳으로 많은 시민들을 이주 시키기 위한 방침이기에...

물론 배는 공짜이다...흐흐..

지금은 살만하게 만들어 가고 있는 것 같다...

흠..다음번엔 꼭 자유의 여신상이 있는 섬으로 가볼까 한다...

그 배도 공짜라면 얼마나 좋을까...

- May.19,10. after science lab final exam.


I shot it at the Central Park in April 29 2010.

There was a beautiful reflection.

나도 한번 살짝 멋을 찍어 봤다..

많은 사진 작품들 중에 시간대를 찾아 '비춰지는 멋'을 감상할 수 있다..

예를 들어 그림자나 반사된 물체 등등..

뉴욕 센트럴 공원에 가면 자연과 따뜻한 빛 그리고 공기를 느낄 수 있다..

물론 만들어진 자연이다..곳곳에 인위적임을 느끼게 하는 부분 적지않다...

허나 이런것들을 자연스럽게 만드는 것이 사진작가들의 몫이 아닐까?

나야 아직 흉내만 내는 아마추어중에서도 생 초보이지만...

멋진 풍경이 많은 곳 센트럴 공원..

순간의 멋을 잡아 보고 싶다..photographer Henri Cartier Bresson처럼

- May 19, 10. after lap exam.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Do you enjoy listening to music?

This person has God's talent. The child is amazing.
You just go to the link and listen what he gives you.
I am so proud of him who is a Korean, Sungha Jung .


Saturday, January 30, 2010

My photo(below) is in the finalist selection group.

I got second time into the finalist selection group of College Photography Contest.

I really wish to go on to earn top awards or honorable mention Please.

Anyway, I am happy now.